I am intrigued by the meaning we make from our experiences. How our minds create narratives that have inevitable outcomes if followed. I have witnessed how my own narrative led to depression; and then I changed the narrative by taking responsibility for every thought and feeling. Each of my bodies of work reflects some part of this learned process of healing and integrating. Through sculptural abstraction people are allowed to derive their own meaning and have an opportunity for their own healing. I use clay for its flexibility and fluidity to communicate these ideas.
Lawson - Fenning
6824 Melrose Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90038
Cedar & Hyde Mercantile
2015 10th Street Boulder, CO 80302
Studio Como
2535 Walnut St Denver, CO 80205 Showroom Offerings for Purchase
Merchant Modern
3127 Glendale Blvd, LA, CA, 90039
3002 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, CA, 90405