Ladies Night - Cutting the Cords that Bind

Ladies Night - Cutting the Cords that Bind


Wednesday, November 20th, 2024 - 6:30-8:30pm

This sober ladies night focuses on healing. This month we will be cutting the energetic cords, like invisible umbilical cords, that tether us in unhealthy ways. Which can create poor boundaries, energy drains, and opportunities for psychic manipulation. This practice will be led by Paige Stewart and includes meditation, lightwork and re-wombing from the artwork.

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Paige Stewart is a contemporary sculpture artist whose work is strongly influenced by her background in Spiritual Psychology. Each of her bodies of work reflects some part of her learned process of healing and integration. Through sculptural abstraction, primitive modern motifs, and openings she allows people to derive their own meaning and have an opportunity for reflection and healing. She primarily uses clay for its flexibility and fluidity to communicate these ideas. Her current fabric installation sculpture is just the beginning of a series of artworks that amplify healing for others.