Soul Loss & Healing - Shamanic Journey - Two Offerings Oct 26th &27th

Soul Loss & Healing - Shamanic Journey - Two Offerings Oct 26th &27th
Join 30 year shamanic practitioner, Barbara Haas, in a soul retrieval journey. This experience helps people integrate “lost” soul parts thus feeling more whole and “back home” again. Soul loss is understood as a disassociation that happens as a protective mechanism in the midst of any trauma. This loss of life force depletes our energy. Come reclaim your soul essence with vibrational potential.
Barbara Haas began her relationship with Spirit by praying to her guardian angels and patron saints. In 1992 she began studying with Michael Harner & Sandra Ingerman of the Foundation of Shamanic Studies. She has continued adding to her spiritual toolkit throughout the years with Clifford Duncan, Northern Ute elder; Augustin, an Ecuadorian Quechua shaman, Celtic Shamanism with Tom Cowan; Afro-Brazilian orixas with Rosangela Silvestre; frame drumming with Layne Redmond; Norse Shamanism and Sacred Art with Imelda Almqvist; Sacred Objects Divination with Gretchen C. McKay; Compassionate Healing with Betsy Bergstrom; rock art with Carol Patterson; Zimbabwean mbira and marimba; and a global group of Shamanic Teachers & Practitioners.